hrp0097p1-65 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Natural history of corpulence in patients carrying heterozygous pathogenic variants in the five major genes of the leptin-melanocortin pathway.

Nicaise Clarisse , Dubern Béatrice , Poitou Christine , Clement Karine , Tounian Patrick , Lemale Julie , COURBAGE Sophie , Le Bihan Johanne

Introduction: The leptin-melanocortin pathway plays a key-role in weight control. Pathogenic variants in the five major genes (LEP, LEPR, POMC, PCSK1, MC4R) are associated with early severe obesity. However, the specific associated phenotype with presence of mono-allelic variants and especially BMI trajectories are not well known.Objective: In order to identify specific profiles, we compared BMI trajectories during the f...

hrp0097fc3.1 | Fat, metabolism and obesity 1 | ESPE2023

Early childhood height and weight development in children with monogenic obesity: A European multicenter cohort study

Zorn Stefanie , de Groot Corjan , Brandt Stephanie , von Schnurbein Julia , Abawi Ozair , Bounds Rebecca , Ruck Lisa , Guijoa Blanca , A. Martos-Moreno Gabriel , Nicaise Clarisse , Courbage Sophie , Dubern Béatrice , Poitou Christine , Clément Karine , Argente Jesús , Kühnen Peter , Farooqi Sadaf , Wabitsch Martin , van den Akker Erica

Introduction: Monogenic defects in the leptin-melanocortin pathway result in hyperphagia and severe, early-onset obesity. Knowledge of the natural history of anthropometric parameters in patients with monogenic obesity is essential for diagnosis. However, reliable data on early childhood weight and height development in affected patients are lacking. This study aimed to evaluate the history of height, weight, and BMI development in early childhood in a Europea...